Thick ever green forests, amidst which 44 rivers and numerous tributaries were flowing, richly studded with ponds and fresh water lakes once Kerala was renowned for is near extinct. In this tiny state the natural tropical forests were destroyed ruthlessly to plant rubber, teak and eucalyptus along with other industrial raw materials.

This garden is a humble souvenir to serve as a message to those who didn’t protect the green forests, cozy valleys and enchanting costs. It is dedicated to the generations to come in the “God’s own country”. It is a great tool for the researchers, a destination for teacher and students, a pilgrim place for environmentalists…It tells  you there are things you can do in this direction, beyond the role of government projects.

A tour along the wild path ways of the garden enriches your mind and soul, besides the rich visual experience; the garden is decorated by hoardings with quotes from great philosophers and writers. Botanical names and names in Malayalam for each of the 250 plus trees are exhibited. The door of the garden is open for any visitor any time. Tour groups who make a prior appointment can enjoy the privilege of the presence and personal guidance of Mohammed Koya himself.

The founder of this garden Sri. V. Mohammed Koya is an environmentalist and author of two published novels, a compilation of short stories and a historical novel. By profession he is jeweler in Koduvally, left education after high school studies. Spouse Mrs. Laila, Sons Shahbas, Asmal, Nisam, Jeslin and Binyamin